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Monday, August 23, 2010

Facebook Places: or, Facebook stalking and you, a step by step guide to creepin'

Mid-August, Facebook rolled out a new feature for it's mobile platform known as "Facebook Places." In theory this feature will allow mobile users to alert all 521 of their closest friends and family to the fact that they just "checked in" to their school, the mall, or the opium den behind Crazy Eddie's Tattoos.
But what about those people who you added on a whim, who have never really met you, that guy who expressed a little more interest than usual in your music preferences? Well, "Places" is great news for your growing collection of pseudo-friends. They can have up to the minute updates on all your goings on. Don't be surprised if you are enjoying a sandwich and all of a sudden a man rushes up to you and says "Oh my God, Jeff, I thought I would find you here! You haven't sent me a Facebook email in months, man. How's that collection of Jimmy Eat World albums treating you?"
Oh, but everything is okay, because "Places" only updates to people that are included under your security setting. Unless, of course, you are one of the millions of people who still has security set to "everybody." In which case, you can expect a lot more "unexpected" run-ins with people you forgot you knew.
So then, happy stalking.

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